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Adrift in Social Media

I'm not very active on social media anymore.

I was on Facebook, but then I realized that I was seeing very little of what was happening with the people I knew, and a great deal of successful click bait that sucked me in for hours at a time. So I took Facebook off my phone and therefore never actually know what's going on there.

I used to be very active on Twitter. I had a really nice group of writers that I followed and felt a part of. But then Elon Musk got ahold of it and it went bad. I probably could have handled the struggle to get people's tweets on my feed because I had a lot of groups of writers that hadn't been messed with, at least then. Who knows about now? But the clicking on a new follower's page and being subjected to penetrative pornography that Twitter said was absolutely fine? Yeah, no. So I left Twitter.

I have Instagram but I don't do a good job of posting things. As a writer I have more words to say than I have photos to post, and it's not really formatted great for that. I'm trying to make it work, though, so follow me if you're so inclined.

Then I've found a new Twitter-like social media called Bluesky. So far it's a nicer version of Twitter, and I'm fairly happy there. It just doesn't have the wide audience that Twitter had. Hopefully it'll take off and I can have even more lovely people to interact with. If you're on Bluesky, you should follow me.

I also have this nice website. It just doesn't get seen much since I have few places online to share it with! So if you've found me, thank you for stopping by. I hope you come back again sometime!

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