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I have been a voracious reader my entire life, but only realized I wanted to be a writer in October of 2013. There have been many fun, frustrating, crazy years since then!

I have my bachelor's degree from the University of Northern Iowa. I have been married to a wonderful man since January of 2008, and we have three wonderful children.


Throughout my life, people would suggest to me that I write, and I was adamant that writing was not for me! And then, in October of 2013, a story idea appeared in my brain, so I sat down and wrote it. I completed my first draft right before I had my youngest.


Then I had a new baby and later developed sleep apnea, which left me utterly exhausted and unable to write for a good five years. Then I was diagnosed and given a CPAP machine which changed my life and I have energy again!


I wrote the first draft of a new book within three months. I am in the process of figuring out self publishing while working on another book. I am excited to see how my writing journey continues!

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